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10 Steps How To Play As Twitch On League Of Legends - Twitch is a marksman type champion on League of Legends, he is very sneaky and a great champion when used well. This guide will provide some insight as how Twitch can be used effectively.


How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Access League of Legends. If you haven't already, create an account and choose your server. If you have an existing account, simply log in.

How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Purchase Twitch in the store. Twitch can be purchased with RP or IP, if you don't have enough of either you'll need to play continually until you have have enough IP or you will need to purchase enough RP to buy Twitch.

Once you purchase Twitch, you may also purchase skins to change the look of Twitch.

How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Familiarize yourself with Twitch's abilities. Twitches abilities are Deadly venom, Ambush, Venom cask, Expunge and Spray and Pray. A description of each is down below :[1]

Deadly Venom (twitches basic ability): Twitch's basic attacks apply a stack of Deadly Venom, dealing 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 true damage per second for 6 seconds. This effect can stack up to 6 times for a minimum of 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 and maximum of 72 / 144 / 216 / 288 total true damage over the duration.

Ambush:For 1.25 seconds, Twitch attempts to enter stealth, which may be delayed by up to 3 seconds if he takes damage before he goes invisible. While in stealth, Twitch gains 20% bonus movement speed. When Twitch unstealths, he gains bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Casting spells or attacking will end his stealth prematurely.

Venom cask: Twitch hurls a cask of venom at an area, infecting struck enemies with 2 stacks of Deadly Venom and slowing them for 3 seconds.

Contaminate: Twitch expunges all nearby enemies afflicted by Deadly Venom, dealing physical damage equal to a base amount plus bonus damage for each stack of Deadly Venom on an enemy.

Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat: For 7 seconds, Twitch gains bonus attack damage and 300 attack range. Additionally, each of his basic attacks will pierce enemies in an 850 length line, with each unit struck reducing the attack's damage by 20% down to a minimum of 40% damage.

How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Enter a game and choose Twitch as your champion. Select your runes, masteries, champion skin and summoner spells. Summer spells are chosen in regards to your playstyle preference, though a Flash spell can be useful when getting one last hit on fleeing enemies or as an emergency escape tool.

How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Utilize Twitch's ability to remain hidden by using the Ambush ability. Twitch's ability to go invisible can be used when ganking (ambushing) enemies and can also be used as an escape tool.

As ambush provides an additional attack speed boost once you leave invisibility, it can be useful when taking down turrets, however, being pushed far into your lane with Ambush on cooldown could leave you very vulnerable if ganked by an enemy.

How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Aim to stack the damage dealt by Deadly Venom as much as possible. This can be achieved by getting continuous hits on an enemy. Once you have achieved the maximum stack of passive damage dealt by Deadly Venom, use the Venom Cask to slow the enemy so that an additional chance to deal damage is made.

How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Be aware of Twitch's high attack speed. Due to Twitch having one of the highest attack speeds out of all of the champions, buy items in the shop that provide additional passive boosts upon hits that will add to the damage dealt by Deadly Venom.

How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Use Contaminate to deal with groups of minions or to finish off an enemy champion. Contaminate has a high radius and will deal a significant amount of damage to all enemies affected by Deadly Venom.

If you get an enemies champion's health down quite low and they are still being affected by Deadly Venom then use Contaminate to finish them off on their retreat.

How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Time Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat correctly. Due to Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat's ability to pierce multiple enemies, higher range, higher damage and long cool down time, it's important to time it effectively. Aim to only use Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat when there are multiple enemies present or use it to finish off a retreating enemy(s).

How to Play As Twitch on League of Legends: 10 Steps

Use the shop effectively. Try to buy items that increase attack damage and on-hit damage boosts and tailor them to your own playing style. An alternative could be to increase movement speed and attack speed with your Ambush ability to "run and gun" around the map (also useful for taking down turrets).

A great item to purchase to rapidly farm and aggressively push in your lane is Runaan's Hurricane. It fires out two extra ranged bolts and also applied on hit effects, utilizing your passive skill. However, this item may lose some of its usefulness when playing in PVP mode due to Twitches high damage output usually being required by your team (so a more single target damage focus build is needed).

The Infinity Edge grants 250% critical damage. Pairing this with your ultimate ability (Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat) will inflict massive damage and will give your team an upper hand when in team fights.

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